Simplify: 2u+2v/u+v+3(4u^2+4v^2/u+v-3)(u^2+2uv+v^2-9/16u^4-16v^4) Tiger Algebra Solver (2024)

Step 1 :

Equation at the end of step 1 :

 v (v2) 9 ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•((((4•(u2))+(4•————))+v)-3))•(((((u2)+2uv)+(v2))-(——•(u4)))-24v4)) u u 16

Step 2 :

9 Simplify —— 16

Equation at the end of step 2 :

 v (v2) 9 ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•((((4•(u2))+(4•————))+v)-3))•(((((u2)+2uv)+(v2))-(——•u4))-24v4)) u u 16

Step 3 :

Equation at the end of step 3 :

 v (v2) 9u4 ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•((((4•(u2))+(4•————))+v)-3))•(((((u2)+2uv)+(v2))-———)-24v4)) u u 16 

Step 4 :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

4.1Subtracting a fraction from a whole

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using 16 as the denominator :

 u2 + 2uv + v2 (u2 + 2uv + v2) • 16 u2 + 2uv + v2 = ————————————— = ———————————————————— 1 16 

Equivalent fraction : The fraction thus generated looks different but has the same value as the whole

Common denominator : The equivalent fraction and the other fraction involved in the calculation share the same denominator

Trying to factor a multi variable polynomial :

4.2 Factoringu2 + 2uv + v2

Try to factor this multi-variable trinomial using trial and errorFound a factorization:(u + v)•(u + v)

Detecting a perfect square :

4.3u2+2uv+v2 is a perfect squareIt factors into (u+v)•(u+v)
which is another way of writing (u+v)2

How to recognize a perfect square trinomial: • It has three terms • Two of its terms are perfect squares themselves • The remaining term is twice the product of the square roots of the other two terms

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

4.4 Adding up the two equivalent fractions
Add the two equivalent fractions which now have a common denominator

Combine the numerators together, put the sum or difference over the common denominator then reduce to lowest terms if possible:

 (u+v)2 • 16 - (9u4) -9u4 + 16u2 + 32uv + 16v2 ——————————————————— = ————————————————————————— 16 16 

Equation at the end of step 4 :

 v (v2) (-9u4+16u2+32uv+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•((((4•(u2))+(4•————))+v)-3))•(—————————————————————-24v4)) u u 16 

Step 5 :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

 24v4 24v4 • 16 24v4 = ———— = ————————— 1 16 

Checking for a perfect cube :

5.2-9u4 + 16u2 + 32uv + 16v2 is not a perfect cube

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

5.3 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

 (-9u4+16u2+32uv+16v2) - (24v4 • 16) -9u4 + 16u2 + 32uv - 256v4 + 16v2 ——————————————————————————————————— = ————————————————————————————————— 16 16 

Equation at the end of step 5 :

 v (v2) (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•((((4•(u2))+(4•————))+v)-3))•———————————————————————————) u u 16 

Step 6 :

v2 Simplify —— u

Equation at the end of step 6 :

 v v2 (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•((((4•(u2))+(4•——))+v)-3))•———————————————————————————) u u 16 

Step 7 :

Equation at the end of step 7 :

 v 4v2 (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•(((22u2+———)+v)-3))•———————————————————————————) u u 16 

Step 8 :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

8.1Adding a fraction to a whole

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using u as the denominator :

 22u2 22u2 • u 22u2 = ———— = ———————— 1 u 

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

8.2 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

 22u2 • u + 4v2 4u3 + 4v2 —————————————— = ————————— u u 

Equation at the end of step 8 :

 v (4u3+4v2) (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•((—————————+v)-3))•———————————————————————————) u u 16 

Step 9 :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

9.1Adding a whole to a fraction

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using u as the denominator :

 v v • u v = — = ————— 1 u 

Step 10 :

Pulling out like terms :

10.1 Pull out like factors:

4u3 + 4v2=4•(u3 + v2)

Trying to factor as a Sum of Cubes:

10.2 Factoring: u3 + v2

Theory:A sum of two perfect cubes, a3+b3 can be factored into :
Proof: (a+b)•(a2-ab+b2) =

Check: u3 is the cube of u1

Check: v 2 is not a cube !!
Ruling:Binomial can not be factored as the difference of two perfect cubes

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

10.3 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

 4 • (u3+v2) + v • u 4u3 + uv + 4v2 ——————————————————— = —————————————— u u 

Equation at the end of step 10 :

 v (4u3+uv+4v2) (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•(————————————-3))•———————————————————————————) u u 16 

Step 11 :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

11.1Subtracting a whole from a fraction

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using u as the denominator :

 3 3 • u 3 = — = ————— 1 u 

Trying to factor a multi variable polynomial :

11.2 Factoring4u3 + uv + 4v2

Try to factor this multi-variable trinomial using trial and errorFactorization fails

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

11.3 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

 (4u3+uv+4v2) - (3 • u) 4u3 + uv - 3u + 4v2 —————————————————————— = ——————————————————— u u 

Equation at the end of step 11 :

 v (4u3+uv-3u+4v2) (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+((3•———————————————)•———————————————————————————) u u 16 

Step 12 :

Checking for a perfect cube :

12.14u3+uv-3u+4v2 is not a perfect cube

Equation at the end of step 12 :

 v 3•(4u3+uv-3u+4v2) (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+(—————————————————•———————————————————————————) u u 16 

Step 13 :

Equation at the end of step 13 :

 v 3•(4u3+uv-3u+4v2)•(-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+————————————————————————————————————————————— u 16u 

Step 14 :

 v Simplify — u

Equation at the end of step 14 :

 v 3•(4u3+uv-3u+4v2)•(-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ((2u+(2•—))+v)+————————————————————————————————————————————— u 16u 

Step 15 :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

15.1Adding a fraction to a whole

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using u as the denominator :

 2u 2u • u 2u = —— = —————— 1 u 

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

15.2 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

 2u • u + 2v 2u2 + 2v ——————————— = ———————— u u 

Equation at the end of step 15 :

 (2u2+2v) 3•(4u3+uv-3u+4v2)•(-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) (————————+v)+————————————————————————————————————————————— u 16u 

Step 16 :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

16.1Adding a whole to a fraction

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using u as the denominator :

 v v • u v = — = ————— 1 u 

Step 17 :

Pulling out like terms :

17.1 Pull out like factors:

2u2 + 2v=2•(u2 + v)

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

17.2 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

 2 • (u2+v) + v • u 2u2 + uv + 2v —————————————————— = ————————————— u u 

Equation at the end of step 17 :

 (2u2+uv+2v) 3•(4u3+uv-3u+4v2)•(-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) ———————————+————————————————————————————————————————————— u 16u 

Step 18 :

Trying to factor a multi variable polynomial :

18.1 Factoring2u2 + uv + 2v

Try to factor this multi-variable trinomial using trial and errorFactorization fails

Calculating the Least Common Multiple :

18.2 Find the Least Common Multiple

The left denominator is : u

The right denominator is : 16u

Number of times each prime factor
appears in the factorization of:
L.C.M = Max
Product of all
Prime Factors
Number of times each Algebraic Factor
appears in the factorization of:
L.C.M = Max

Least Common Multiple:

Calculating Multipliers :

18.3 Calculate multipliers for the two fractions

Denote the Least Common Multiple by L.C.M
Denote the Left Multiplier by Left_M
Denote the Right Multiplier by Right_M
Denote the Left Deniminator by L_Deno
Denote the Right Multiplier by R_Deno



Making Equivalent Fractions :

18.4 Rewrite the two fractions into equivalent fractions

Two fractions are called equivalent if they have the same numeric value.

For example : 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent, y/(y+1)2 and (y2+y)/(y+1)3 are equivalent as well.

To calculate equivalent fraction , multiply the Numerator of each fraction, by its respective Multiplier.

 L. Mult. • L. Num. (2u2+uv+2v) • 16 —————————————————— = ———————————————— L.C.M 16u  R. Mult. • R. Num. 3 • (4u3+uv-3u+4v2) • (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) —————————————————— = ————————————————————————————————————————————————— L.C.M 16u 

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

18.5 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

 (2u2+uv+2v) • 16 + 3 • (4u3+uv-3u+4v2) • (-9u4+16u2+32uv-256v4+16v2) -108u7-27u5v+273u5-108u4v2+384u4v-3072u3v4+192u3v2+48u3v-144u3+288u2v2-288u2v+32u2-768uv5+2304uv4+432uv3-144uv2+16uv-3072v6+192v4+32v ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— = ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 16u 16u 

Final result :

 -108u7-27u5v+273u5-108u4v2+384u4v-3072u3v4+192u3v2+48u3v-144u3+288u2v2-288u2v+32u2-768uv5+2304uv4+432uv3-144uv2+16uv-3072v6+192v4+32v ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 16u 
Simplify: 2u+2v/u+v+3(4u^2+4v^2/u+v-3)(u^2+2uv+v^2-9/16u^4-16v^4) Tiger Algebra Solver (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.