The Tribune from San Luis Obispo, California (2024)

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San Luis Obispo, California

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PAGE THREE Boots and Her Buddies By Edgar Martin Shnndon snd motored to Paso Re hies in the evening to spend several days Mr nnd Mrs All-rt Mng spent Wednesday In Robles on Ium nevx 51 rs Roliert Humim-f of Paso lie- hies Mrs A Illlhrlrh snd Misses 51 inn le Hilbricli nnd Ida Clark of Shnndon spent Sunday at the Engeike home 5lr and 5Ir Robert Shaw nod daughter and sen GllU-rt of Shan-doii nttcmlcd the donee here Sat urdiiy night and were guests of Mr 1 and Mr William Carl TwUseluinn motored to Paso Robles Sunday Wm Parkerern wns a business visitor in Piio Robb's Friday Amdtte OF COURSE WOULDN'T TELL BOOTS 60-BUT 1 KHOOA THINK TB HER FAULT FETE A HARD WORKING CHAP AM HE shouldn't be keepin' late hours lwe 'WES BEEN DOW-AM BOOTS SHOOLDWT LET HIM he shouvdkJt be KEEPUOi BOOTS UP LATE B)WY EV1EKVWG EVWER-BESTDESpr MOST BE KIND OP A BOTHER TO YOO WHAT DO YOU THINK? OOH COUNT ME OUT OF THE ARGUMENT I VT DOESN'T MAKE MUCH DffPERENCE TO ME -F VT WEREkfT PETE VT WOUVD PPOBABLT BE TOO SO BOOTS MOO PETE ARE OUT MTOOG A6MM? W'VJfc BEEM WAKING THAT PETE EKlT LOOKU06 BO WELL LATELT- (Special Corrsspondanct) 5Tr ami Mrs Luclmore of San fuls Obispo and 5Irs John Lilcl-more and children of Atascadero I tended th- picnic at the Colton-woods Sunday Mr nml Mrs Archie Grant nml children spent Friday In Paso Ilo-Idies on business Mr and 51 rs Robert Summer ami A 5Iay of Paso Itoblcs motored here Sunday Messrs Sumer and May accompanied by Walter 1111-lii'lch called nt llu Summer home and were business visitors at the Fred Twlsselumiin home John Engeike spent Monday in Paso Robies on business Among those in Paso Robles Tuesday from here were: Henry Phelps Mr and 5Irs George Word nnd Mr and 5lrs John Engeike nml children A ITageriuan spent Tuesday In GETS DISMISSED WM ANGELES April (DD Compliell former vice-president of the oil coraimny was dls mlscd today as a defendant la tho Julian over-issue trial -KBaZuwrofrf Cim tv iwwx mej AMERICAN DOCTOR EXECUTED IN CHINA A Pineapple Bob MSPTEOM KILLS 'em dead Thesr Letters BY RUTH DEWEY GBOVES At SHANGHAI April United Dress) lr Walter Seymour American Superintendent of tho Presbyterian Missiou Hospital at Tslnliig was murdered by Nation-uist soldiers while engaged In a work of mercy additional Information received here today said Dr Seymour wns shot a week ago Tuesday the message said He was captured by members of the advancing southern armies and executed on a charge Hint ho had succored wounded unruicrii truu- Mom sad Suadad Od Son-isa Station Pasfcsd ia kau (with iirersnd ad batrato Mom sweet You dun't know it but you think like some modernistic nrtlsl paint llieir pictures all solid blocks Everythin! is either right or wrong with you And there's one thing about us girls of the moment Unit you don't grasp at all We're regular emotion bnrnmctrrs We nan tell way heforehand what la ou a fellow's mind Notiiing happened at the dance Einmn-e didn't let it She had the siltiatiun well in hand nfter the first dams wilh Pedro's friend She ought to have some credit for not risking the opportunities he'd have STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA In second whirl to show her whnt lie thought of us asked iiip not to enll him Honor Alvurmlo and I did feel ns though I was Addressing an umhns-Siidor so I selected ns his most nttruetive moniker We hml dunce or two while Florence mid her flat tire sipped pule yellow tea Don't nsk me nlmiit those diinces! There's no describing lint nun's marvelous grace The only thing tlmt kept my feet out of the clouds where iny head wns floating around wns lYilro's por-fniiie It was good enough Imt I couldn't get over funny desire to sniff I know thnt anyone who Isn't provincial never sets standards for other iKsiple In such matters as the use of perfume imt I overcome distinct little shock whenever I get near l'edro Fancy Allan smelling like a flower! But then I know that it wouldn't lie better than reeking of smoke-filled tweeds when you get used to it I hope that liking Pedro's ways won't lie a first step toward luni taste because he's ono fascinating liomhre Devotedly MAItYE By Mis Meg MacGregor Director ef Household Science Keeping the kitchen sink respectable shows up Tomorrow: Mom Maryr's pretense Sam an easier way to achieve a as an housekeeper than by scrubbing Pineapple is such a good word in Chicago now (that's what the gangsters call a biimb) tlmt lb hairdressers have adopted llie word too The latest fad in coiffures is Go pineapple bob shown on the "iieach' a hove The girl is Yi-um-lip 5outgouiery of Chicago kitchen drainpipe I have yet to see itl Four boiling water down the drainpipe follow with a cupful of Clorox and in a few minutes more water Tba pipes will be as clear as a bell You've not only cleared them of but cleared them of all germs and odors too This applies to bathroom bowls as well A truly respectable sink Now for the kitchen (ink itsclft Why scrub watermarks fruit and vegetable stains and other dia colorations that are a daily nuisance in your sink? The Clorox method takes much less effort and gives much better results Your sink will be truly respectable-spotless and free from germs Free Chart Write for my Free Chart on Easy Housekeeping It gives the how why and when of cleansing deodorising and disinfecting Meo MarGaEonR Dept of Household Science Clorox Chemical Corporation Oakland California Some task that used to bo but not now I My drain-board is wood and ihsve learned to epit white without arrubbirg I can take off all the discoloration and stains of a busy day in no time I mix a solution of Clorox and with a rag wipe off the drain-board quickly easily elbow no effort at all! But a white and board The dish reg too Dish rags are horrid things at best But kept white with Clorox they will be as fresh as a handkerchief Just soak your dish rags in the same solution you make to wash your drainlxmni They will bo white and really for Clorox disinfects and deodorizes as well os bleaches To clean tile Speaking of drainboanls Mrs II IV of St Louis has nuked me whether she ran use Clorox on her tiled drain board Uy all means Follow the directions on the Clorox label all spots and stains will disappear Those discouraging drainpipes If there is anything more disheartening than a sluggish reputation immaculate hours of SAN MICH EL April 21 Ber-gemaun i very much improved under thp care of a spocln 1 nur-p at the Iicrgeman home He will he taken to San Francisco soon where he exiM'els to undergo nu operation Fred Twisselmatiu was In town from Lost HUM last week Mr mid Mrs John Day and son Freddie motored to Hollister Sinn day where they spent the day witli relatives Mrs Esrey and daughter Evelyn sMnt the week-end in Ventura visiting friends Mrs Fnrtridege went to Long Beach last week to visit her daughters Sir and Mrs 51 Day visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Wilding in Yinyard Canyon one night last week (iihsim McConnell of was a business visitor here Saturday Cord Krter of Watsonville was down and a few days with his daijgliter and family the Lee Hastens In Kmicliitn Canyon Mr and Mrs elms Hart and daughter little Dorothy Maxine sM-nt last Sunday at Morro Mr ami Mrs Hairy Clemons Rollins and Billie May were cullers in town Sunday Mr and Mrs Jim Lemon were up from Robles Sunday calling on (lie Fools 51 is Ethel Franklin was quite ill several days last week 51rs Tucker 51 rs Brain-nrd and JIrs Morgan motored to San Luis iihi-po Monday The 1" meet lug-wns held at Sirs rrainnrd's home Tuesday afternoon Mr ami Mrs Dale wpre down from the Coal 'lines over the weekend as guests of 5Ir and Mrs Tucker and were among those who went to Templclmi to the (lance Saturday night 5Irs Ilarrv Dittemore Mrs Darker Mrs Dorn Mnttbis and Miss Lorraine Di'lcmnrc were in I'nso Robles Tuesday afternoon on busl ness Sirs Marie Bressler was in charge of the Library Tuesday in while Mr Darker was in Daso Robles parents it in tho in the good old-fashioned way VEIL AM) BOB Because their iiicen has unveiled her face revolt Is threatened in Afghanistan The revolt In-pan smouldering when pictures i-aioc hack of (moon Souriya unveiled throughout Europe where she lanl been travel ing with King Aimmullah And the smouldering Las hrokcu into flume with the appearance of a supposed interview with the queen which says that she lias renounced the veil forever and intends show her face even when she goes home We Occidentals laugh at tho lior ror which her decision lias aroused But Is it any minuter than the In mult right here at home when wu men first bolded their hair and were called "hussy" and "trollops' for doing it? Thcj engaging arL of blending FRENCH DRESSING Under the glow of the dinner candles! something truly enticing about a lovely cruet filled with crystal clear Wesson Oil It lends such a delightful air to the salad course and all the preparations for mixing the French Dressing Certainly one would go far to find a salad oil that was richer or more wholesome Or one so exquisitely delicate in flavor For die real secret of the vogue of Wesson Oil is that it is deliciously good to eat It's made of the finest oil that can be obtained and refined so carefully that only the pure nourishing food content is left Do you wonder that French Dressing these days has come almost without question to imply Wesson Oil? Or that many many women keep a cruet of it on the able and use it on their salads or vegeables plain just as it is Or indeed that thousands are using this choice salad oil for frying and for their baking? CHINESE TAKE TOWN Bleaches Removes Stains Destroys Odors Kills Germs SHANGHAI April National it soldiers in the civil war eon tinning a triumphant spring of fense have captured Tsinanfii Nationalist officials claimed today Foreign reports unofficially con firmed the claim AT ALL GROCERS 121 NAVY DILL PASSES WAHHINCTi IN April (United Press) The somite today passed the S'iibiixriiKio naval appropriation Dill It goes lo conference now rfj Avila BANK EXCHANGE GROCERY Corner of Broad and Mill Sts A 1 f-y ear-old schoolgirl of Longview Texas quarreled with some classmates at recess angrily whip-lied out a revolver and held her Iieers and teachers at hay until lit princiiml ciune The authority of his person finally won and the girl lowered rlie revolver Yes It wns well loaded Just another example of the heights of and Independence and perfect poise which today's offsprings have scull'd due lo our ciuistaut harping on their superiority to age the fact that the world Isdiiiigs to youth etc It's about time for the iietiduluin to swing backwards even if it means a return to tlie old-fashioned woodshed mi an old-fashioned anatomical place for chastisem*nt THEY AI IT LOVE Two boy students of midwest uni verst iy are dead killed by iheii own hands liecaiise they both loved the same girl co-ed and quarreled over her One of two brothers in Middletown shot the girl they 1kiIi loved and killed himself when arrested But li sloiies would be railed melodramatic hunk if on the stage We are apt to Ik sophisticated cynical a lilt jocular towards romanci in this modern day Wc are inclined to lielieve that it's merely a more or less pleasing digression from Hie really big jobs and interests of life But Hie daily news tells us that man is basically as primitive with his jealousies ami hive passions as when Hie earth was young Some more on that list of Best Novels "The Cods Are Athirst" by France of Wakefield" by Goldsmith: of the by Hardy: "Scarlet Lei lor" by Hawthorne "A Modern In by Howells of lie by lingo: "Kamomi" by laeksnii "Purl hi it of a Lady" by James: "The by "Esther by 5ioorc THE PARENTS PAY Tiny were just and they eloped to get married Wlnffi the marriage license clerk asked for their license money it nrrnrcd to them fur Hie first lime that marriage meant money as well ns putting across a successful elopement So they went home again Judge Lind-sry would say that they should be married anyway each one com inning to la supported by bis anil her resiH-i-tive parents Just number ev-uuipU1 of the reign of youth while SPECIAL 20 Off On All Royal Society Embroidery Package Outfits Latest Spring Designs Coini' In timl See Our Assortments Faye Brown Shop 711 lligiiern St Flume 2T1-M Just Received a Car of Seed and Table Potatoes CERTIFIED SHORT TOP BURBANK SEED tfQ CA POTATOES per 100 lbs $0'0) TABLE POTATOES -1 to 5 sack lots per 100 lbs $250 10 sack lots per 100 lbs $240 ALSO ARTICHOKES 4 to 8 dozen per box Ql Of Per box Vnu DELI VE11ED ROSA PRODUCE CO OPPOSITE CIVIC ArDITOHU'M 115 Monterey St- 1 229-TV (By United Pres Leased Wire) 5liss Anna ('a net celebrated her Hth birthday at her home iu Cot tnge Row on Sunday afternoon with an enjoyable party Among her guests were Mary Kelly Ron uett Virginia Esplin Nadine St Tulin Ilaroiil Dowell Juuiur Robert and llclty May Cnnct Bobby Heck Jolm Rmla John Fratis and Ruth Richards Mrs Dave Richards Sr of San Luis Obispo returned to her home on Monday after a pleasant visit with her son Win Richards and family Alfred linche left oil a business trip to San Francisco on Monday arteriMsiu 5fr and Mrs McAnnllen of Taft were over to attend the funeral of Mrs Thornsen of San fails on 5Innday morning go ing ou to Dert Sail Luis wilh Sir Thomson lo spend 1 tm night before returning Siinetti of Santa Yncx arrived on 5Ionday fur a visit at Dort San Tnis at the home of Mrs Angela Marre James Deck of Santa Barbara was calling on friends here on Mon duy Miss Helen Crews of the Avila mad accompanied 51 and Mrs John Josslyu in town on 5Iomlay evening to attend the Eastern Star Lodge where she was initialed ini the chapter 990 Garden Dairy 341 Higuera Phone BREMER-TULLY RADIO 86 lligiiera St l'hons 88 IJ NEW MKVH AN GLASS AM) POTTERY Figured Designs anil Parrlunent PaNT for Slaking Lamp Shades LA CABANA SHOP and TEA ROOM Airft Faye -Brown Shop 731 Hi jruerJk.

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The Tribune from San Luis Obispo, California (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.